Ex 1.3,2 - You know that 1/7 = 0.(142857) = 0.142857142857

5/18 As A Decimal

Seventh decimal 13/16 as a decimal

1 7 decimals for mixed numbers cont One seventh as a decimal Ex decimal know expansion chapter systems class number teachoo

Ex 1.3,2 - You know that 1/7 = 0.(142857) = 0.142857142857

1 7 decimals for mixed numbers cont
1 7 decimals for mixed numbers cont

13/16 as a decimal - YouTube
13/16 as a decimal - YouTube

One Seventh as a Decimal - YouTube
One Seventh as a Decimal - YouTube

Ex 1.3,2 - You know that 1/7 = 0.(142857) = 0.142857142857
Ex 1.3,2 - You know that 1/7 = 0.(142857) = 0.142857142857